The name is a good start, there’s something reassuring about the name T. G Elias… it sounds cool, philosophical, slightly mysterious (is it Tom Graham, Timothy Gomez, Theobald Gregory…?) and also vaguely like a preacher man.

It’s this last association that comes to mind when reading through the track listing… I’m not going to lie, it’s definitely inbuilt into my being, I admit I balked slightly at song names like Precious Lord, Take My HandFor one minute I was at a loss… then I grew up and carried on camping!

I definitely sought out the soundtrack to Oh Brother Where Art Thou? so why should I be scared? And actually there is something quite soothing and innocent about that kind of old-time gospel and soul. Take it at face value and move on to what’s behind, which is actually some really great music loitering around his bandcamp page. With a voice that sits comfortably alongside a british folk act, you get a real sense that there is a huge amount of power resting at the back of his throat and when he does let loose… the preacher man has arrived.

This kind of gospel material, choir backed and heartfelt, is typically Americana. And though a native of Manchester, there is a definite nod across the Atlantic with country influences, a mouth organ and a slight Dylan-esque slur in his voice. But T. G Elias also takes a number of threads from English folk with an edge of John Martyn and some really poignant arrangements and lyrics.

Something that he has achieved impressively is songs that are almost akin to spoken word, without sacrificing any of the musicality.

I’ll see you in church!


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